View Full Version : Total number of images for a user?

01-13-2006, 05:20 PM
How do I determine the total number of images that a user has uploaded? I would like to keep a running count and add that to the user's profile page.


01-13-2006, 05:32 PM
That's actually part of the pro version. You'd need to run a query, taking moderation into account, but not wanting to give away the pro stuff, that's all I can say. ;)

01-13-2006, 05:51 PM
Bummer, I guess I'll to wait like everyone else. Any idea of what the price will be to upgrade to Pro?

01-13-2006, 05:59 PM
If we can't get a number, is there a function that returns if a user has uploaded images or not.

For example, I want to display a camera icon on the user's profile page ONLY if they have images in Photoplog.

Can that be done with Lite?


01-14-2006, 12:12 AM
For pricing: http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showpost.php?p=15&postcount=2

Yep, can be done. In the MEMBERINFO template, use:
Content visible to registered users only.
That'll give you a camera if there are images, just not a count.

01-14-2006, 12:01 PM
Here is what I use to display the camera icon in postbit:

<a href="http://www.MY-DOMAIN.com/forums/photoplog/index.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]"><img src="images/misc/photo_icon.gif" alt="Gallery"></a>

If I wrap the "if" statement around it, it no longer works.

<if condition="$photoplog_memberinfo"><a href="http://www.MY-DOMAIN.com/forums/photoplog/index.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]"><img src="images/misc/photo_icon.gif" alt="Gallery"></a></if>

Does postbit require something different from MEMBERINFO?


01-15-2006, 12:13 AM
Yes, postbit won't work like MEMBERINFO in PhotoPlog Lite, as there is no variable available to use in a similar template conditional statement, so you can either display, or not display, the camera when using PhotoPlog Lite.

01-15-2006, 09:38 PM
Thanks again for the help! Yet another good reason to upgrade when "Pro" comes out. :D

02-18-2006, 10:37 PM
LOL, changed my mind, postbit counts are now possible with PhotoPlog Lite v.1.0.8. :)

02-20-2006, 06:18 PM
I will definately upgrade! How do you use the new feature? :confused:

As before, I would like to display a camera icon when the users has uploaded images (and possibly display the count as well).


02-21-2006, 01:50 AM
The Lite v.1.0.8 README.txt file has instructions in the comments section. ;)

02-22-2006, 09:58 AM
Thanks, that worked great! And I thought the README was just for install info ;)

Thanks for all your help and a great product!