View Full Version : Just to clarify

07-06-2006, 06:10 AM

Just to clarify, upgrading from Lite to Pro is not a problem and no information will be lost?

Secondly, paying the $35 will allow you access to the forums section and all upgrades for a year?

A word of advice. Visitors wishing to purchase photoplog pro dont have a page for all the required information. Perhaps consider putting Lite vs Pro, benefits of paying, what you get blah blah blah on a link that can be found easily? Perhaps on the home page? I Spent 25 mins going through threads looking at screen dumps to get all the information i required.

Just a thought.

07-06-2006, 11:16 AM
Content visible to registered users only.
Yep. It includes one year download access and support. It's the same like the VBulletin support.
Just a side note: IMO 35 bucks is more than fair for such a great program. You'd be surprised about the differences between the Lite & Pro version :)

07-07-2006, 02:31 PM
Yep, you can upgrade from lite to pro without losing information. MikeD is correct, the $35 includes one year download access and support. Thanks for the advice, I'll try to make a better lite versus pro page.