Thread: Image popups
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Old 02-21-2008, 05:42 PM
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James James is offline
Orange Plog
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I believe that's an optional feature of Photoplog Pro. There's a lot of options to how it works. On ours we don't have it grey out the rest of the screen as we like to be able to have more than one image brought up in the larger size. It's a pretty cool effect, and quite useful.

'Plog also has a *very* cool image picker that lets members drop those thumbs into their posts in vBulletin, they can use any image in their gallery or that they have in an album.

If you'd like to see how it works in a live environment, feel free to take a look at our site over on, if you have any questions about how we have it configured just let me know. 'Plog Pro *rocks*! :-)

James and Susan
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