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Old 01-29-2007, 02:53 AM
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James James is offline
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Default Would have edited the above but wasn't able

Just wanted to expand a bit on what I said above about the use of Albums.

As I mentioned in a post to the 2.1.5 feature request thread, I think expanded Album functionality maight be able to significantly improve the overall flexibility of the system. For example, by creating an automatic system default album that holds all the images uploaded by a given user, and then having the clicked image in that album popup a new window with *just* that entry in it, or even just have it bring up the image in it's native category in a new window rather than in the same browser would go a long way to improving the usefulness of albums. The problem with the existing implementation is how you have to back up so much to get back to it. The ideal would probably be to have clicking on an image in the album spawn a new browser that has the full size image with the description custom fields etc listed below it. Then closing it brings you right back to the album. So if you had a system created album with all the user's uploads in it, you have something that would probably do exactly what Tim wants? It would add tremendously to the basic flexibility of the system, and it wouldn't seem like a very complex change?

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